The start of a new year is a wonderful time to think about your aspirations for your home. Everyone will try to make their new year's resolutions come true, ensuring that you are surrounded with the motivated energy you need to start your projects. The luxury real estate market is expected to remain strong through the start of 2023, allowing you to aim high and dream big. If you want to make real estate plans but need help figuring out where to start, here are some suggestions for making the most out of the new year.

With all of the new technology that is being released, especially around the holidays, there are countless ways to renovate your space. Maybe you would be interested in automation by installing smart appliances and other technology to maintain your home with the touch of a button. While a
smart home today may not be as advanced as it is in science-fiction depictions, there are still plenty of ways to take your home to the next level.
If you are not looking to renovate your home using technology, maybe you are instead interested in finding out what design trends are coming back in style. As realtors are closely involved with all aspects of real estate, they have learned to recognize and predict home design trends. If you are looking for a change in your space but are unsure how to bring about that change, reach out to your realtor to hear about where the trends are going to get ahead of them. Your realtor would also be able to give suggestions for bigger renovations and remodels so you not only get the look you want but also increase the value of your home as much as possible.
Interested in relocating?
If you have been thinking about buying a new property, the new year is a great time to consider. There are many
benefits to buying real estate in winter, like less competition and lower prices. Whether you want to move for a change of scenery, to be closer to a specific location, or simply because it is time, you should be able to make the new year
your year.
Even though the season can affect inventory, the houses for sale in Houston are both beautiful and plentiful. When renovating is too much of a hassle, you can be assured that there is a home out there that has everything you want. By using a realtor during this process, you will not have to do any of the work. Your only job would be to think about what you are looking for in a
dream property. Consider specific neighborhoods you are interested in, the number of beds and baths, square footage, architectural style, et cetera. Simply tell your real estate agent what you are looking for, and they will search the market for you.
A year for investments
Real estate in Houston, Texas, is a hot commodity. As a city filled with rich history and a collection of cultures, Houston appeals to millions. If you are looking for new investments in the new year, investing in real estate in the city could be perfect. Your real estate agent could find properties that would be perfect to flip. Taking a house in need and giving it an update not only brings the property back to life but can provide a family with their dream home. If you are not looking to flip houses, you could instead buy property for rentals. Having a property manager take care of things for you allows you to have a steady source of income with minimal work. Or maybe you would be interested in buying an apartment building in the center of the city, for even greater investment potential.
To capitalize on your investments, talk to your realtor about the most popular areas, as well as what renters and buyers are in the market for. Your realtor will be able to use their experience in the market to get you the best possible investment properties.
Home aspirations

The new year does not have to be firmly planned out. If you do not have any plans for what you would like to do yet, that is perfectly fine. When the time comes for you to sit down and plan for the new year, it can be helpful to imagine the small goals you have for your home. Maybe you have wanted to change out the hardware on the kitchen cabinets or put up a fresh coat of paint in the living room. Making a list of your smaller aspirations can inspire you to think about bigger projects.
It can also be helpful to talk with your realtor about your plans, as they are always happy to help. Even if you do not need a realtor to assist you at the moment, they will always have recommendations for other professionals that work on homes. If you are looking for a contractor, architect, real estate attorney, painter, interior designer, or whoever else, your realtor can help you connect with them.
You deserve to start the new year right. No matter what needs to happen to make your dreams come true, you can rely on the fact that your realtor wants to see you succeed. The happiness of a client is at the top of any realtor’s list, and they will work their hardest to see your real estate dreams come true.
How to get started
Heather Fordham is a realtor with an unmatched passion for her clients. It is her goal to always leave a positive impact on the world, and she is determined to bring that positive attitude to every real estate transaction. Not only does heather have expert knowledge surrounding buying and selling Houston real estate, but she also has knowledge surrounding insurance and investment strategies. No matter your real estate goals for the new year, Heather would be honored to assist you.
Contact New Heights Group today.